Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rick Dula – Logan Lecturer

Rick Dula – Logan Lecturer
Hyper-Realist and the Precisionists

Santa Cruz Site #2, 1999, Rick Dula   
What really fascinated me was his hyper-realist paintings of industrial decay.  My thought was, ‘This artist is carrying on the artistic style of the mid twentieth century Precisionist, but with a twist: so many of his painting are of industrial decay not the images of the growth of a mighty industrial power”.

Deb’s Arrow, (1987), Rick Dula
In fact. Rick stated in his talk that Precisionist Charles Sheeler’s work was one of his influences.

Notes from the Road - Richard Serra

“Reinforce the floors!!!  Richard Serra is coming!”  Words to heed when Richard Serra is in town with his metal sculptures.  Look at our Serra piece, Basic Maintenance (1987) on the 3rd level of the Hamilton Building.  Though it looks light, balanced on its edge on the floor, in fact it tips the scales at 5900 lbs.!
Click here to read the complete essay.